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For years we have been researching daily life before and during the Second World war, not just gathering information but also interviewing eye witnesses and recreating certain aspects of history to gain a unique insight into that era. We can help you with anything related to the years 1900–1950 and although we are specialized in Dutch history we also have researchers and specialists all over the world who can help you with British, American and German subjects. We answer questions, do research, make reproductions, provide actors in vintage clothing, organise events, set up displays and much more. Because our people are specialized in certain subjects we can help you much faster and more detailed. Instead of having to research a subject thats new to us, in most cases we already know the answer before we even have to open a book.
We help authors, film & tv companies, museums, schools, documentary
makers, designers, theater productions and many more. Look around our site, don't hesitate to contact us and make sure to bookmark this site! If you are going to do anything even remotely related to the years 1900 – 1950, contacting us is a great first step! |